Application 23/01703 - Land adj. to 2 -10 Laxton Green
Comments on Application 23/01703 - Land adj. to 2 -10 Laxton Green 2 x 3-bedroom dwellings with associated cycle store, parking and access This land is public amenity open green space which was created when the two rows of houses comprising Laxton Green were constructed more than 50 years ago. Not only is the site intended for the recreational and visual enjoyment of the residents, but it enhances the setting of their homes. This setting was one of the appealing factors that encouraged the original marketing and sale of these properties. The amenity land in question should never have been offered for auction, and the speculative purchase without planning permission is regrettable. It has created uncertainty and concern for the residents who believed that the future character of Laxton Green was secure. The insertion of 2 x 3 bed detached houses on the land is excessive overdevelopment. There will be a significant loss of trees, and a large part of the development will be surrounded by an unsightly fence more than 6 feet high. Existing residents will have their outlook destroyed. Access to their front entrance and gardens of Nos. 2 to 10 is compromised with the existing footpath falling within the development site boundary. The upper floors of the two new properties will overlook the existing houses, and the current residents will be looking onto brick elevations, back gardens and fencing rather than the open, green and wooded aspect currently enjoyed. The location of parking for the new dwellings is unacceptable and potentially dangerous. We recall that in 2022 a similar speculative and opportunistic proposal for a terrace of three town houses on similar amenity land opposite 35 Ribstone Road was refused. We object strongly to this unacceptable and unsuitable over-development and we look forward to a similar refusal of this scheme for Laxton Green. It is important that a clear ongoing protection is established so that similar amenity land will not be granted planning permission There are many such locations throughout Maidenhead where amenity green space is an inherent element of the character of the setting and streetscape. If there is no liklihood of planning permission being granted, then there will be no speculative value in such sites and residents will be spared the worry and uncertainty that is incurred.