Application 18/03264 - Land to rear of 20 Ray Street (The Ark)

Comments on Application 18/03264 - Land to rear of 20 Ray Street (The Ark)

Outline permission for construction of two houses.

This application refers to Planning Principle, which is understood to refer to outline permission to build two dwellings on this site. Because it is for outline permission there are inadequate drawings and plans to illustrate what is intended. The size of dwellings, number of bedrooms, parking provision and amenity space are all unknown. However, what is known is the location, size and character of the proposed site. This is a narrow and congested road and parking is a severe problem in the immediate locality. The parking problems are understated in the narrative within the application.  Spaces provided by the site as the existing car park for The Ark will be lost and whilst parking is not restricted on both sides of Ray Park Lane, it is not a reality as one side must be kept clear for passing traffic. There may be room for one dwelling with the provision of two off road parking space and garden amenity space, but two houses would appear over ambitious.