Application 18/01459 - Walnut Cottage, Newlands Drive

Comments on Application 18/01459 - Walnut Cottage, Newlands Drive

Erection of three dwellings following demolition of existing.

We feel that because of the narrowness of the plot, the aspect of the sun and the dominance of existing large mature trees this proposal is unsuitable. The pair of semis to the front of the scheme are overshadowed by the large tree on the southern boundary. They also have substandard parking arrangements with two spaces each - but in tandem. We believe that an application for two substantial detached houses would be more suitable for the site. Plots 2 and 3 should be combined into one dwelling, and moved away from the southern boundary to gain more light. This dwelling should then have proper parking arrangements. The proposed detached house at Plot 1, would also benefit from being moved away from the tree to the south. It is felt that a detached house to the front of the site would be more in character with the locality than a pair of semis.

We believe that the size and maturity of the trees to the south of the site are such a significant factor, that the scheme could benefit by positioning the access road to the south side of the plot, enabling the new dwellings to benefit from improved daylight away from the trees.