Shottesbrooke Church
The church is part of the college established at Shottesbrooke in 1337 by Sir William Trussell and is regarded as the finest decorated church in Berkshire. It has the remnant of an armorial scheme Trussell put up in its windows that was recorded by Elias Ashmole in the C17th. The church is contemporary with Bisham Priory Church, lost in the C16th, and William Montacute, Earl of Salisbury, who built Bisham was one of Trussell’s donors.
The Society has produced the following detailed documents relating to Shottesbrooke that you can download:
- A History Trail of the C14th St John the Baptist Church, Shottesbrooke, originally created for use in Heritage Open Days (HODS).
- An account of the personalities once represented in the armorial glass of the C14th St John the Baptist Church, Shottesbrooke.
- The genealogy of the Trussell families from the C13th to the C15th/C16th. This clarifies the descent of the senior and junior lines of the Trussells and the biographies of the various Sir William Trussells. It also shows evidence of their patronage of churches in several counties.
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