Amenity & Environment Practical projects have always helped to give the Civic Society a positive image. The Society’s concern for environmental issues has broadened since our inception to go far beyond mere planning matters. Aircraft noise (in 1973 we secured alterations to the Heathrow departure flight paths – routes which exist today), hospitals and waste disposal have all concerned us: our vigorous and well-informed campaign helped to persuade the Council to introduce the first Bottle Bank scheme in 1979. Over the years since 1973 we have also engaged in litter-picking (on North Town Moor, Maidenhead Moor, Braywick Park and York Stream), tree-planting and bulb-planting programmes. Trees have been planted by the Society on Maidenhead Moor, Laggan Field, and outside the Library. In December 1980 a party of Society members planted 2,500 bulbs on the banks of Castle Hill, with another 2,500 in the autumn of 1981. More bulbs were planted on North Town Moor, at the junction of Forlease Road and Oldfield Road, and in 1991 on the A4 along Bridge Avenue near the Thames.
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