Application 24/01052 – Private Parking Area/ Stafferton Way
Comments on Application 24/01052 – Private Parking Area/ Stafferton Way Outline for access, appearance, layout and scale for the construction of 25 apartments over 5 and 6 storeys with amenity, parking, bin and cycle storage. We objected to the previous application for 43 flats for this site - 23/02268 - in October last year The proposal was refused for a multitude of reasons. This new scheme does address a number of the issues but the physical limitations of the site continue to make it unsuitable for such a large scale development. We acknowledge the reduction in the number of flats to 25 units, and the visual relief to the North / South elevations that has been introduced by lowering the building height in the central section of the building to two storeys to create a roof garden communal amenity space. The most significant issue remains the limited constraints of the site and the excessive footprint of the proposed building within that site. In the application it is maintained that there is an 8 metre buffer between the building and the bank of the waterway. This is not evident from the inadequate block/site plans submitted. Therefore, the continued proximity of the building to the waterway will create an ecological risk and detract from the setting of the waterway. The land area surrounding the proposed structure is severely limited and the application should demonstrate how vehicles, plant and other equipment, material storage, scaffolding etc. will be accommodated during construction. A Construction Management Plan should be provided as part of the planning process. The provision of parking had not increased, although the total number of dwellings has been reduced. Displaced parking of residents’ vehicles will occur, in spite of the central location. The access point is too close to the mini roundabout on Stafferton Way. The introduction of 8 (32%) affordable dwellings is welcomed, although we note the concerns of the Housing Options Team. In addition, two of the 1 bed/2pers dwellings do not meet the Nationally Described Minimum Space Standard of 50m2. We continue to object to the proposal to construct a residential block on this site. Although some of the reasons for refusal of the previous application have been dealt with many remain and the restricted depth of the site and the proximity to the waterway bank make it unsuitable for a development of such height, bulk and mass.